The youth are not only the future, they are also, the present! We believe the youth matter to Jesus, thus, they matter to us. The youth are bombarded by all types of issues, pressures, and temptations and attacks of the enemy. We want to help encourage, embolden, and equip your middle and high school children with the Word of God, to help them navigate their teenage life and have a thriving spiritual life as well.  We want them to have a place they can call “a home away from home”, a place where they can build and have lasting friendships, and find and live out their God-given purpose on this earth…all while having fun as well.  Teenage years are tough, but can also be the most memorable and pivotal.  We pray that you will join us and partner with us in training and raising a Godly, God-fearing, world-impacting generation! Welcome to TKMC Youth!





Sundays @ 11:30am:  Worship Service  (Hosanna Hall)

*Sunday small groups from 11:00-11:25am:  Rm 100 (6th), Rm 102 (7th-12th Girls), Rm 105 (7th-12th Boys).






Fridays @ 7pm:  T.G.I.F  (Together Growing In Faith)

Weekly gatherings from 7-8:30pm.


















CLICK HERE if you’d like to receive the free gift of eternal life!











The Wesley Chapel
26211 E. County Line Rd
Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
Pastor Franklin So:
Sundays 11am (The Wesley Chapel Building)


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